Electrophoresis Gel Bands

This is a picture of a gel from the current production run of N6 Vector B. We separate the stock pla ...

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Unnatural Selection

Unnatural Selection is a top-rated Netflix original miniseries documenting the beginning of our wor ...

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Citizen Bio

A group of Canadian filmmakers doing a feature-length documentary called Citizen Bio came to our lab ...

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Overflowing with Antibodies and Optimism

There is more optimism than ever that researchers are on the path to developing vaccines and antibod ...

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NHK Reports on HIV Biohackers

Transcript David Ishee: “If you just do nothing, then it continues. From the point ...

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Statement of Purpose

Here at Minicircle.HIV we believe that the true enemy is not each other: it is entropy, disease, and ...

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Compassionate Wisdom

“Compassion hurts. When you feel connected to everything, you also feel responsible for ev ...

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Experimental Vivisection — N6 — Version2

An update on version 2 of the N6 plasmid experiment. This is a living document that will be updated ...

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